Therefore, the depreciation expense for the second accounting period is equal to 9/12 ✕ $4000 plus 3/12 ✕ $3000. Using the depreciation formula, we can calculate the amount of depreciation for each year of the asset’s life using the values calculated in Steps 1 to 3. For example, to calculate the depreciation of an asset with a useful life of 3 years, we will count the remaining useful life of 3 years in year 1, 2 years in year 2, and 1 year in year 3.

In the second full year of the asset’s life, the amount of depreciation will be $40,000 (4/15 of $150,000). In the third full year of the asset’s life, the depreciation will be $30,000 (3/15 of $150,000). The fourth year depreciation will be $20,000 (2/15 of $150,000), and the fifth year will be $10,000 (1/15 of $150,000). Remember that the total amount of depreciation during this asset’s useful life should be $150,000.

The initial cost of an asset will determine how much is depreciated each year. The sum of years method matches the cost of an asset and the overall use of an asset across the useful life of an asset. The advantage rcf facility agreement definition of this method is that the asset performance will be more productive in the early years and reduce over the years. Therefore, it can charge higher depreciation in the early years and decrease in the later years.


The first four (cost, salvage, life, and period) are required and the same as used in the DB function. The fifth argument, factor, is optional and determines by what factor to multiply the rate of depreciation. If it is left blank, Excel will assume the factor is 2 — the straight-line depreciation rate times two, which is double-declining-balance depreciation. Depreciation is a method of asset cost allocation that apportions an asset’s cost to expenses for each period expected to benefit from using the asset.

An asset’s depreciation base is its initial cost, minus any salvage or residual value at the end of its useful life. Overall, Sum of Years Digits depreciation gives companies the tools to create an accurate depreciation schedule, receive tax benefits, and better manage assets nearing expiry. The first step in the SYD formula involves finding the depreciation amount. It can be found by subtracting the salvage value from the total acquisition cost of an asset. This graph is deduced after plotting an equal amount of depreciation for each accounting period over the useful life of the asset. Assuming an asset is expected to last for five years, adding together the digits for each year results in 15; so, if the asset was expected to last five years, adding 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 would generate 15.

Estimated Useful Life

Companies must gauge this degradation and compute asset values as it influences their operations. This assessment process is termed “depreciation.” This article delves into the specifics of the “Sum of the Year’s Digits” depreciation method. The sum-of-the-years’ digits method is another variation on accelerated depreciation. Under this method, an asset’s depreciable base is multiplied by a declining rate. When an asset gets deteriorates, it requires higher repairs and maintenance charges. So to balance the cost of the maintenance of an asset, it decreases its depreciation charges.

Double Declining Balance Method

Depending on the chosen cost apportionment or depreciation rate, depreciation charges can be variable, straight-lined, or accelerated over the useful life of an asset. Sum of years digits (SYD) is an accelerated method for calculating an asset’s depreciation. A method known as accelerated depreciation allows more deductions in the earlier years of the asset & gradually decreases in the later years. The method assumes that the asset’s productivity decreases with the passage of time. The straight-line Depreciation expense is the same each year, because there are no residual values involved. Sum-of-the-years’ digits is a method that uses an arbitrary arithmetic system to derive the annual depreciation charges.

Sum of Years’ Digits Method of Assets Depreciation FAQs

We need to count the remaining useful life from the asset’s timeline rather than the accounting periods’ perspective. The following example shows how you can work your way through each of the above steps to calculate depreciation using the sum of the years’ digits method. Sum of the Years’ Digits (SYD) is a type of accelerated depreciation method that has a unique way of calculating the depreciation expense. The practicality of SYD depreciation over basic methods such as straight-line depreciation is that it assigns a greater percentage of depreciation expenses in the first few years of an asset’s useful life. Therefore, companies adopt various approaches in order to overcome such a challenge. Secondly, many companies choose to use straight line depreciation method in the last year to adjust the over depreciated salvage value.

Acts as a tax advantage; reporting higher initial depreciation lowers net income and tax liability. Balances depreciation with other costs like maintenance, avoiding calculation issues. This approach requires a larger number of calculations and may be difficult for management to implement. However, the additional work is likely justified by the benefits of using more accurate numbers that provide a better match between Depreciation expense and revenue.

This method or any other accelerated depreciation method artificially reduces the reported profit of a business over the near term. It leads to low profits immediately, which are followed by higher profits when the period ends. The sum-of-years digits method of depreciating assets has the effect of increasing the value of net income because it discounts expenses over time.

What are the Different Types of Depreciation Methods?

However, there are different factors considered by a company in order to calculate depreciation. Thus, companies use different depreciation methods in order to calculate depreciation. So, let’s consider a depreciation example before discussing the different types of depreciation methods.

The company debits depreciation expense and credits accumulated depreciation. Accumulated depreciation offsets the asset’s value, showing net asset worth in the balance sheet. While all depreciation methods yield the same result, the timing of recognition varies.

Depreciation is the accounting process of converting the original costs of fixed assets such as plant and machinery, equipment, etc into the expense. It refers to the decline in the value of fixed assets due to their usage, passage of time or obsolescence. This method aligns the cost of asset utilization with its overall economic usefulness across its lifespan. A significant advantage is that it acknowledges the asset’s declining performance over time, emphasizing higher depreciation in its productive early years. This approach accommodates higher early-year depreciation to counterbalance later years’ maintenance and repair costs.